“Flower Boy” is a captivating sculpture that encapsulates the pure joy and tranquility of immersing oneself in nature and engaging in physical activity. The artwork is a lifelike depiction of a young boy with a resplendent flower as head. The sculpture captures a moment frozen in time, as the boy reclines on his back, arching his body, and reveling in the soothing ambiance of the park.

Sketch design of Flower Boy 3D Render design of Flower Boy
Photo of Flower Boy at Chengdu Expo 2024 Photo of Flower Boy at Chengdu Expo 2024 Photo of Flower Boy at Chengdu Expo 2024

With arms behind his back and head cradled in his hands, the boy’s serene expression exudes satisfaction and relaxation, as if he is attuned to every rustle of the wind and the warmth of the sun on his flowered face. The exaggerated curve of his back suggests a precise moment between the physicality of sports activity and stretching to relax and enjoy the sun laying on the grass. The sculpture embodies the essence of leisurely days spent outdoors, where the air is crisp, and the atmosphere is filled with a mix of floral fragrances.

The presence of the flower head serves as a poetic symbol, representing the harmonious blending of humanity and the environment, where nature’s beauty and the human spirit intertwine.

Sketch design of Flower Boy 3D Render design of Flower Boy

The sculpture serves as a reminder to find solace and rejuvenation in the beauty of the natural world, fostering a deep appreciation for the joy that can be found in simple moments of relaxation and connection with the environment.

Sketch design of Flower Boy 3D Render design of Flower Boy

Flower Boy was designed during the 2023 CHENGDU INTERNATIONAL SISTER CITIES SCULPTURE CREATION PROGRAM and produced by the International Horticultural Exhibition Park Expo in Chendu.